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At Solar Pals, we specialize in providing solar panels for homeowners. Plus, we offer energy-efficient windows, HVAC services, and door installation services. Contact us today to learn more.

Solar Panel Installations


Hvac Services

Door Installation

Our Solar Panels, At A Glance

Premium Technology

There are countless benefits to leveraging the power of solar energy. With Solar Pals, you will be getting premium-quality solar panels from a trusted solar provider.

Save On Your Electric Bill

Solar energy is proven to help homeowners save on their electric costs. Contact us today to learn how you can start saving money with solar. 

Affordable Price Range

Our team of professionals provides top-notch customer service for an affordable price that beats out the competition.

Built To Last

Our panels are sleek, durable, and made with energy-efficient technology. More importantly, they are designed to endure extensive usage.


Helps Reduce Power Outages

Solar panels allow you to avoid unexpected grid complications when using traditional energy sources. 

Fast & Easy Installation

The entire solar panel installation procedure is safe and hassle-free. Our team does all the work for you and less time than other companies.

Solar Panel Installations

We offer affordable solar panels for customers throughout the United States. Our solar panel system is easy to install and will provide electricity at a fraction of what it would cost with your utility company.

Energy-Efficient Windows

If you want to save money on your monthly energy bills, consider replacing your old windows. In fact, did you know energy-efficient windows account for about 30 percent to 50 percent of the total cost of heating and cooling a house? Contact us today to learn more.

HVAC Services

In addition to offering solar panels, we provide HVAC services. From installing new systems to repairing existing ones, we do it all. We are here to help with all of your heating and cooling needs. Give us a call today for more information.

Door Installation

At Solar Pals, we truly understand how to install solar power systems in a way that is safe for both you and the environment. We also help to install doors quickly and correctly. Find the help you’re looking for when it comes to installing or removing any interior or exterior door. 

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It’s never been easier to go solar. Contact us for a FREE evaluation today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Net metering is mandated by law in every state Solar Pals installs solar in. The term net metering is used to describe the ability of a homeowner to sell any excess power their solar system generates back to their electric utility provider. After the solar panels are installed there will be a special bi-directional meter that will actually run backward when you are overproducing power from your solar system. This overproduction will create a credit on your account. All the power sold back to your electric utility will be paid to you in the form of a credit on your power bill. In many cases, these credits will be enough to eliminate all of the usage charges on your bill leaving just the grid connection fee. Grid connection fees in our service area currently range from $15-$25 per month on average.
This is one of the most common inquiries homeowners have. Solar panels are extremely resistant to hail damage and are designed to withstand extreme weather. The chances of hail actually damaging your solar panels is slim to none. Most solar panels in the U.S. are certified to withstand hailstorms with up to one-inch hail falling at 50 miles per hour, which is greater than what most home roofs can tolerate. In this way, your solar system actually helps protect your roof from hail damage.
All of the panels and equipment that Solar Pals uses come standard with a 25-year warranty. In addition to the equipment warranty, all labor performed including roof work and penetrations and installation of both minor and major system components will be covered for a period of 25 years. We warrant the roof against damage and water infiltration at each roofing penetration made in connection with the installation of the system for 25 years. We will repair any damage to your roof and repair or compensate you for actual physical damage to your property resulting from any water infiltration.
Solar Pals completes the majority of all installs in just one day. Of course, this depends on the size of the system; however, 99% of all installs take no more than 2 days. The installation includes attaching the racking, panels, inverter(s), the disconnect, and the wiring, as well as getting everything ready for your utility to change your meter to a new, bi-directional net meter that allows you to sell excess power back to your utility. Before Solar Pals begins to install the system, we will be working on getting all the proper permitting and inspections scheduled with your local jurisdiction having authority and working with your utility company and homeowners association if applicable. The majority of the time for the installation is getting the proper approvals from these jurisdictions.
Tax credit and incentives can vary depending on where you live. The most significant incentive is the 26% federal investment tax credit referred to as the (ITC), which allows you to deduct up to 26% of the cost of the solar system. This tax incentive is currently available through 2022. Some states even offer additional tax credits and certain municipalities and utility providers also offer cash rebates or other incentives. Please consult with a tax professional if you have any questions regarding your tax incentives.
Yes, the majority of solar systems are tied to the electrical grid. This is referred to as grid-tied. Since the solar system is connected to the main electrical grid, there will be a connection fee and some ancillary charges may apply. These vary by the utility company. You can look at your current bill to see what the electric company is changing for a connection fee.